November 15, 2013

Pittsburgh Steelers: Loosing is Better Than Winning

The Pittsburgh Steelers, for the second straight season, will not be making the playoffs.  Accept it Steeler Nation.
Since this is my first time writing about my hometown football team I will say that I am not a Steeler fan in any sense of the word.  I am a bandwagon fan - 100% - but that mostly stems from the lack of interest I have in the NFL as a whole.  My favorite NFL team, however, is the Seattle Seahawks. Just FYI.
Ok, now that is cleared up, back to the Steelers.  The Steelers are not going to make the playoffs.  They flat out don't deserve to make the playoffs.  This team has so many holes in it, so many weaknesses, that they shouldn't even have as good as a record as they do now.  Part of that, of course, is injuries - but not all of it. Almost every facet of the Steelers game, apart from QB, is hurting right now.  They need help on all fronts - from a sub par defensive line - to a torn up offensive line - to a plethora of mediocre wide receivers - to a horrible rotation at running back. The Steelers need to fix all these things to get back to being in the leagues elite.  They have some building blocks right now but they solution they need to fix all these problems are, despite what Coach Tomlin keeps saying, NOT in house.  They need to look elsewhere this off season to bolster this obviously struggling team.
That is why it is this writer's opinion that the Steelers should lose out.  They should have blown every other game after they went down 2-6.  This team is not going anywhere this season, so why even try too?  The Steelers need to hit it big in the draft this year.  Winning would only move them further down in draft order - something they cannot afford to happen.
I understand why the Steelers will continue to try and win.  Because of the history of the franchise and they know how good a team they really are and blah blah blah.  It's all BS.  This is not a good team.  They are not making the playoffs.  Why not get a high draft pick and lose than win and have the suck stretch further on in future seasons?  Why not endure a few terrible seasons instead of enduring a decade of sub par ones?  I'd much rather rebuild this team in 3-4 years than 8-10.  But that's where the Steelers are headed if they continue to finish - and I believe the way this team is this is exactly how they will be for the foreseeable future if noting changes - right in the middle of the league; not making the playoffs AND not getting high draft picks. It is a set up for disaster.  A disaster the Steeler organization is playing right into.

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